Mel The Stylist

Random blurps about Melissa Morgan and her life.

Monday, December 7, 2009

25 fun or interesting facts

So I read magazines all the time and one of my favorite sections is when celebrities fill out unknown facts about them selves....So I thought I would do the same
1. I love making people laugh even if its at my expense
2. I realize I'm only 27 but I think I'm going deaf
3. I sleep walk and talk. and sometimes I carry on full conversations that are in some other unknown language(at least that's what friends and family tell me)
4. I am a horrible speller but yet it is one of my pet peeves
5. I hate scary movies
6. I am a very loud talker!! My husband and I have hand signals for when I need to bring down the volume
7. I cry at everything!! including miss America pageants,the Superbowl, and even ufc fights.
8. I sometimes laugh when people get hurt
9. I have farted many times publicly and completely denied it or blamed it on others
10.I embarrass my self daily!!!
11.I have a staring problem
12.I am VERY scared of the dark
13.I can not roller skate (last time I tried I broke my tailbone)
14.I am so cheap............ but I always can justify shopping
15.I am always cold
16.I am constantly starting new projects and not finishing them
17.I don't really like fact Ive gone many years skipping my own b-day cake
18.Pickles and nacho cheese is one of my fav. snacks
19.I have personal space issues..please don't put your arm around me
20.I easily get anxiety from people slurping or eating with their mouth open
21.I am a really bad driver
22.I try to dance but all of my friends know I only am capable of dancing "dirty" think "touch ya toez"
23.Right and left...I can't remember which one is which
24. I can not roll my tongue(Spanish is impossible)
25.I can not wink..not at all. If I try it looks like a face seizure

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